Shepshed Learning Centre is an Alternative Education Provision based in the heart of Charnwood. Its founder’s Janet Pallett, Wayne Beech have between them over 50 years of expertise in a Pastoral setting. Our aim for Shepshed Learning Centre is to help vulnerable students engage with an educational environment promoting inclusion to all students who are currently struggling in mainstream education or missing education altogether.
Focusing on KS3 and KS4, Shepshed Learning Centre aims to engage 11 to 16 year olds in a working environment that promotes life skills to reintegrate students back into full time education and/or improve their employability opportunities. It is also our mission to encourage students to engage in varied activities thus allowing them to have life experiences they may not otherwise have had and so improve their employability opportunities.
Shepshed Learning Centre operates from 9:30am to 2:30pm Monday to Friday. We cover school term times for all Leicestershire and Leicester City boroughs and relevant areas in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. We operate the remaining time in a capacity to support vulnerable students recommended by schools, local authorities and the Police.
Shepshed Learning Centre recognises the increased demand for Alternative Educational Provision as an indirect cause in the aftermath of COVID-19. It aims to support schools that require additional support for none attendees and students who are at risk of permanent exclusion. It also recognises the increased demand for an alternative education provision for school refusers who suffer severe anxiety and seek an environment that is smaller and more nurturing than mainstream provision.
Shepshed Learning Centre plans to provide engagement in education using AQA Unit Award Scheme, offering, Health and Social Care, Cooking and nutrition, Hospitality, I.T Skills, Business Studies, Arts and Crafts, and catch-up Math and English. It also provides One to One Mentoring sessions for students where appropriate.
Shepshed Learning Centre will also accommodate students on a fixed term exclusion from school by arrangement if required.
Shepshed Learning Centre provides a bespoke timetable for every individual student after discussion with the student and school.
Our School day has been designed to mirror a school setting; our aim is to reintegrate vulnerable students back into a mainstream setting. It has been modified to have shorter lesson times and with the flexibility of changing break times for the needs on the individuals each day.